Travel is back – although it may look a little different than before.  We’re thinking strategically, taking extra precautions, and looking for a yolo moment!  Here’s our list of the top 5 travel trends for 2022.

bleisure travel

Bleisure Travel

Bleisure travel is blending work with leisure (as the name suggests).  It’s a trend that has exploded – especially since working remotely has become widely accepted.  A recent poll of 2,500 bleisure travelers showed that they leveraged 60% of work trips into bleisure getaways.

There are 2 kinds of bleisure travel:

  1. Business trips that are extended for a little fun
  2. Business trips with friends or family tagging along

Both are great ways to save on travel costs and balance work-life.

Travel planners and advisors can cash in on the bleisure business.  Bleisure travelers are looking for destination “bucket list” experiences, adding days to trips, or solo excursions.  What they aren’t doing is researching ahead- so act quickly to get them on board!


Secrets of Catalina Island

Trip Stacking

If you haven’t heard of trip stacking yet, you will.  Trip stacking is essentially booking multiple trips in the same timeframe. If one cancels (like a cruise or international trip), you have a backup already booked.

Trip stacking is a direct result of the pandemic’s travel disruption and more flexible cancellation policies.

Our July Mediterranean cruise became a “vaccine only” cruise months into booking.  Our daughter did not yet meet vaccine requirements and could not sail.  Anticipating a potential conflict, we also booked a getaway to Catalina Island for the same dates.  We were able to recoup our cruise and airfare and had a fabulous time off the California coast.

While trip stacking is gaining popularity with travelers, it may not be quite as well-received by some hospitality sectors like hotels.  Trip stackers should be courteous and cancel well in advance – or flexible cancellation policies and refundable deposits may disappear!

solo traveler

Solo Travel

Solo travel can mean anything from traveling entirely on your own to traveling on your own as part of a group of solo travelers. And it’s a trend that’s steadily on the rise.

Understanding how to sell solo travel means understanding who a solo traveler is.  Consider the following when planning your strategy:

It’s clear that financially independent women own a huge segment of the solo travel market and are a key target audience for travel planners and advisors.


Related Reading:  Solo vs. Group Travel:  Which One Works for You?

top 5 travel trends for 2022

Minimalist Travel

Minimalist travel is a quirky but very real travel trend for 2022.  It seems like a contradiction – choosing simple over flashy.  But that’s exactly what the minimalist travel movement is all about!

For example, hotels are leaning into the idea that guests don’t care about flashy designs or fancy room shampoo.  They’re more interested in amazing customer service, thoughtful touches, simple luxuries, and more space.

It also means re-thinking what’s important on a trip – from packing to prioritizing activities.  Travelers are choosing meaningful life experiences over large group excursions or a taste of local culture and cuisine rather than a nightly buffet.

It’s all about simple but worthwhile!


Green travel and eco-friendly trips are gaining traction with travelers.  Ecotourism can mean many things, but the key takeaway is that it is travel that leaves a smaller footprint.  The ecotourism market size was valued at $181.1 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $333.8 billion by 2027.

Those who are planning green travel are sticking a little closer to home to reduce carbon output. Or they might be choosing destinations that welcome smaller crowds to negate the impact of overtourism.  They may stay at green hotels or take part in travel experiences that benefit a community.

Ecotourism is all about traveling responsibly and making a difference with your dollars.  It resonates strongly with Gen Z, who have been taught from birth to care for the environment and practice sustainable living habits.

Top 5 Travel Trends for 2022

These top 5 travel trends will change the travel landscape in 2022.  Find the one that suits your style and go exploring with your travel tribe!