A Cheat Sheet for the Un-Tech Savvy!


Why is it that we can never get it quite right?  We spend big bucks on the jPhoneXRUltra only to find that 6 months later the jPhoneXRUltra+ is out.  We finally splurge on the latest streaming platform and get slapped with monster fees after 3 months.  UGH.  Technology and all its hidden caveats can be so frustrating!

It’s just as vexing in the workplace.  The evolution of trip planning software means you have lots of choices.  When is the right time to upgrade your trip planning tech?

You need a cheat sheet! Here are 5 questions to ask before you invest in new tech.

1. What’s the most important problem you’re trying to solve?

Tour planners operate in four main areas – marketing and sales, operations, accounting and HR, and supplier management and relations. Each presents its own unique challenges.  What are the problems you need to solve?

Have you had to reduce operations? 

Do you need to learn to market better in the digital age? 

Is your sales team shrinking? 

Are you considering expanding your reach?

Do you want to simplify and streamline your planning process?

Drill down on the pain points of doing business to understand exactly what you need from your technology.  Make a list of specifics that you want to address or improve.

upgrade your trip planning tech

2. Do you have the internal resources to implement new technology?

Most tour planners don’t have a huge IT department.  If you have a dedicated staffer for tech, consider yourself fortunate indeed!

Internal resources play a huge role when considering taking on any new software or program.  Your team has to be able to handle the changes.

Is there staff training or an easily accessible help desk to provide support?

Is there a good time in your calendar year to schedule training?

Does the technology support specific roles like operations, sales, or marketing?

Will you need more data storage?

Be sure you have the internal resources and capacity for whatever system you are considering.


RELATED READING:  5 Things IT Professionals Should Consider When Implementing New Technology in the Workplace


3. What’s the cost of using the wrong technology?

Probably more than most of us can afford!  The “newest” and “latest” may come with a hefty price tag, so be sure to do your homework.

Don’t pay for services you don’t need.  It sounds like common sense, but it’s easy to get caught up in all the bells and whistles of flashy new programs.  Your technology should reflect your needs and address your challenges (see above!), not add to them.

Don’t pile on the payments.  The right technology should eliminate some of your current expenses like server fees, subscription fees, or costs for planning programs.  The wrong technology might hurt your bottom line.

upgrade your trip planning tech

4. Do you like and trust the technology company?

There are lots of great software and service options on the market right now.  When you’re thinking about which company to choose, get REAL.  The company and its team should be





Personal relationships and reputation are important in this industry – if you like and trust your software provider, it opens the door to a long-lasting partnership.

RELATED READING:  Group Travel Odyssey and Group Experience Launching at Full Speed


5. Is this the right time to upgrade your trip planning tech?

This is the big question you need to answer.  Change is always difficult, especially when it comes to technology.  Many of us are terrified by the thought of shaking things up.

However, most tour planners and operators are in a very different place than two years ago.  Travel and tourism are changing – rapidly.  The pandemic has turbocharged our digital world and the traveling public.

Early adopters of digitization, automation, and personalization within the multi-day tour sector can satisfy the needs of travelers and capture a larger share of the market.

upgrade your trip planning tech

When is the right time to upgrade your trip planning tech?  Only you can make that call!  Just remember, the rest of the world is already embracing the changes.  Be smart and savvy as your business changes with it.